Divorce & Separation
Q. What can we discuss?
A. Mediation can help you decide what to do about questions relating to:-
the timing of your separation or divorce
your children
property and pensions
your debts
the way you communicate with your former partner
and many other questions which arise on separation or divorce.
Q. What if we are still together or disagree about whether to part?
A. Many couples come to us before they have separated and when they are still unsure about their future. We are happy to help them discuss the future of their relationship, although we do not offer relationship counselling. We frequently work with couples to help them decide when and how best to separate, and what to tell their children about their plans.
Q. What if we are not married or are in a same sex relationship?
A. We are pleased to work with couples who have been in any form of family relationship. We can help them to decide what arrangements to make for their children, resolve disputes about their property and agree when and how to separate. We can also help them decide how and when to end their Civil Partnership.
Q. What if my ex-partner and I are not speaking?
A. Mediation can be intense. We are used to working with clients who feel upset, angry and tense. We provide a safe and calm environment, and can offer you separate space when needed. We will manage your discussion to enable each of you to put your point of view, and discuss your situation in a positive and constructive manner. We will also be able to help you improve your communication and avoid the things which so often lead to arguments and bitterness.