Finance & Property
Q. How will I know what my rights are?
A. We will give you information about the law and how it is applied to questions about money and property on the breakdown of a relationship or divorce. We will encourage you to obtain independent legal advice at appropriate stages in the mediation process. To help you do this we will prepare formal written Summaries of your financial position and of the discussions we have had in mediation which will enable your solicitor to give you clear and concise advice whilst keeping your legal fees to a minimum.
Q. Is mediation suitable in cases where there are complex finances?
A. We are used to working with complex financial arrangements which may include private companies, trusts or complex pensions. In such cases we work closely with your solicitors and can involve financial advisers, pension experts and accountants in the mediation process.
Q. What if my ex-partner lies about money?
A. It is a condition of agreeing to mediation that you both undertake to make full and frank disclosure of your financial positions. In mediation we ask you to complete detailed statements about your financial positions and where necessary produce documents to substantiate what you say. We give you the opportunity of questioning each other and of asking for relevant documents to be produced. We will discuss with you the most sensible way of valuing complex assets like private businesses, and encourage you to seek legal advice where appropriate. Any agreement you reach in mediation will only become legally binding after you have taken legal advice and signed the appropriate legal documents, which should be drafted by solicitors. However, if it subsequently transpires that someone has lied about their financial position, the agreement may be set aside.
Further reading: